torstai 22. maaliskuuta 2012

Akureyri – our main town to visit

Akureyri is surrounded with mountings, lava mountings.
The weather chances very quickly, if the wind comes from the north, but usually it is much calmer place than the rest of the island. The mountings are protecting the village from the wind.
There are about 12.000 habitants in Akureyri and about 20.000 at the hole area.
Akureyri is the second largest town in Iceland after Reykjavik.
Town is quiet – even the city-centre. People are polite and friendly to the strangers, but don’t talk to us anything extra than needed (like ask us, where we are coming from…)
We can see from their eyes, that they are wondering about it because of our language, but they don’t ask.
Or… Maybe they know already!
But anyway the same eyes are smiling and look friendly and interested of us!

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